Friday, October 18, 2024

Pro Tips to Take Better Instagram Photos: An Insider Guide!

Are you on the path to becoming an Instagram influencer? Do you want to take aesthetic Instagram pictures? In this article, we will be listing down Tips to Take Better Instagram Photos.

With competition increasing on social media websites day by day, it is becoming crucial to stay on your toes to learn new skills. Every day, almost 100 million pictures are posted on Instagram. If you want your content to stand out amongst this varying range, having a vision, a beautiful background, proper lighting, and composition are a few things you need to make sure of while posting a picture on Instagram. Let us know the insider techniques to Take Better Instagram Photos.

Also Read: A Complete Guide To Creating A Cohesive Instagram Aesthetic

How To Take Better Instagram Photos

  1. Plan Your Instagram Grid Before Posting

If you want to create an aesthetic Instagram feed, you can’t just keep posting images. Instead, posting them in an organized way will elevate your Instagram profile. Create a content calendar way ahead to reach your vision. If you are planning what to post and when to post, you can follow your set theme and aesthetics on your page. Additionally, you can also work on writing a catchy caption.

  1. Click The Picture In Natural Lighting

If you want to click a picture with a color pop, it’s best to use natural sunlight. With the favor of light, the contrast and brightness of a picture are enhanced naturally. You won’t need heavy editing on pictures when the lighting is perfect. 

If you are clicking pictures indoors, it’s best to click it near a window or balcony. If you use flash on the photo, it will make your picture flat and dull. If you want to click pictures at night, use a vibrant table or street lamp to make the picture aesthetic.

  1. Avoid Overexposure In Your Pictures

Too much lighting exposure can also ruin the look and feel of your picture. You can reduce the brightness of your photo by editing it, but it will also make the picture dull. Instead, you can reduce exposure at the time you are clicking the photo. You can tap the brightest spot of the picture to reduce exposure. 

You can also Tap and slide up or down to correct the exposure of a photo. If you plan to post a photo, make sure you are taking it from an angle with perfect lighting.

  1. Picture Timing Matters

You can observe that most of the aesthetic pictures on Instagram generally are clicked at the time of sunrise and sunset. Usually, lighting becomes picture-perfect when the sun is on the lower horizon. It works like a natural Instagram filter. 

Most of the beautiful Sun kissed pictures are generally clicked in natural light with a beautiful color-contrasting background. It works even better on a cloudy day. Clouds create a diffusing effect in light, making the picture warm and soft.

Rule Of Thirds While Clicking Pictures

If you want to click an Instagram-worthy picture, the correct composition of the photo is crucial. Taking it from the right angle and in the right frame, make sure the object of the image comes in the center. You can use the rule of thirds to create a perfect picture composition. The rule divides your entire picture frame into a 3×3 grid. You can now align your subject along the grid and create a balance with the background. 

You can also use the concept of balanced Asymmetry. This way, you can keep your picture towards the edges of the frame, balancing it with the background. 

  1. Create A Viewpoint

If you are opening the camera and clicking the picture, you might not be able to capture the essence of the beauty. Look around and create a perspective to click a meaningful photo. 

A lot of people post photos of the same object or place on their feed, but the point of view is what categorizes them as aesthetic or basic. You can try adjusting the camera at multiple angles to capture a wholesome photo and make your Instagram photo out of the box.

  1. Draw Lines

When trying to capture an Instagram-worthy picture, it’s crucial to keep an eye on horizontal and vertical symmetry. For example, a picture with roads, buildings, or a wall in a straight line looks more aesthetic and catchier than a picture with crooked objects. To make the photo look more realistic, you can use a leading line in your camera setting to make the alignment picture perfect.

  1. Creativity Is The Key To Trend

In the competition of capturing trendy Instagram pictures, make sure you are not losing a part of your creativity. It’s good to follow the trend, but adding just a little bit of your touch will hallmark the picture and help it stand out from millions of similar ones. Additionally, even if you are caught up in a trend, make sure it follows your Instagram feed theme and brand color.

  1. Play With Different Picture Styles

There are many ways in which you can click an aesthetic picture. You can focus on bright colors, symmetry, patterns, elegance, humor, and other similar areas. It takes us back to our first tip, which is planning before posting. When you think of clicking a picture specifically for an Instagram post, you can plan what you want to show your viewers. Basic style of image, background, colors, lighting, and other factors. Depending on the event or occasion, use your imagination and creativity to take a beautiful shot with the right frame and objects.

  1. Editing the Photo

Instagram provides a wide range of filters you can use while clicking the picture or applying them when you edit it. Clicking a photo alone is not sufficient. You will need to correct color, brightness, shadow, and contrast and apply filters, stickers, and emoji to the picture to make it pop out on Instagram.

Also Read: A Complete Guide To Creating A Cohesive Instagram Aesthetic

Wind Up

There is no perfect way to make a picture the best fit for Instagram. You can use the above-mentioned Tips for taking better Instagram photos, but you will also need to take care of time when you upload pictures, how you fit it best in your feed, and the quirky caption you are adding to it. 

Introducing Vikk, the tech whiz who's all about staying ahead in the digital game and checking out the coolest gadgets. But when he's not glued to a screen, you'll catch him on the field, whether it's cricket, football, or hustling at billiards. A true all-rounder, on and off the pitch!


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