Telegram CEO Arrested! Will it be Banned In India? Get the Full Scoop!

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We all know how telegram is popular among countries for its versatile features. Everyone was enjoying this amazing app as usual but suddenly a news came on 24th of august about arresting of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. This news created buzz all around the tech world. After this incident other countries are also aligning to examine Telegram. Let me tell you everything this story has got and discuss in brief whether telegram will be banned in India.

So, Telegram’s CEO was immediately arrested in France and the reason that officials told was ” Pavel Durov was having insufficient control and moderation on the platform”. Apart from this, France officials pushed many strong charges that includes drug trafficking, sharing of “pornographic images of minors”, organized crime, promotion of terrorism, Extortion, Gambling and fraud.

In results of these charges, Russian Born chief of Telegram Pavel Durov was detained from Le Bourget airport outside Paris on 24th August. He is now instruct not to leave France until it all settles. A well reputed UN Human Rights Spokesperson (Ravina Shamdasani) said about this scenario “This is a very complex case. It raises a lot of human rights concerns,”.

She also pushed lights on recent ban on X in Brazil, Clearly said that all these social media platforms have freedom of expression is permitted but within country’s certain regulations and boundaries.

Indian government also acted immediately after this incident and is ready to conduct a probe as per all these charges. Indian government officials (Ministry of Home Affairs) promptly instructed to re-verify and check whole scenario and charges.

Sources are claiming that It won’t get banned in India as per a source familiar with same industry. Also if we talk about Laws, Telegram can defend themselves behind the “Safe Harbour” clause as per Information Technology Act, 2000. It means since its a messaging app and most content is user generated, Telegram can get green card. Although, There are still few guidelines that a messaging app needs to follow.

Now the catch is, if Telegram won’t be following the guidelines then it will be banned in India. Everything is depends on MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs) and their complete probe! Stay connected for next updates!

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